About Me...

Hi! My name is Joni La Fave. I live in South Orange County, Ca. with my husband of 8 years. We have 4 nieces and 2 nephews who keep us
very busy and laughing all the time.

I am a certified Life Coach and a certified Law of Attraction practitioner.

I have always thought I had a special ability to see and hear things. But like most people who have special gifts we put them to the side and we brush it off as we are seeing and hearing things.

After my dad got sick and I spent a month and half with him and my mom I knew I had something special to offer. My right hand would get really really hot and red and so I learned to put it on my dad and watched with excitement as things changed quickly. It made me feel empowered.

So about a year later I was laid off from my job and got the chance to study more about my gifts. We all have special gifts. The key is to study and learn more about them. Everyone has something to share with the world. Learn what yours is. God wants us all helping one another.

It has been life changing for me. I have learned so much about myself and my gifts. I'm still studying and learning everyday. So appreciative, grateful, and excited about where my path is leading me. 

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

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