Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question then read the card

Love Yourself

God & your Angels want you to know that you are very loved. You are a child of God and you are wonderful. Release any negative thoughts of yourself and enjoy being you! 

When you see yourself in God's eyes, you see you are perfect. We all have made mistakes in the past, but know that God loves you no matter what.
So release any doubts and love yourself the way God loves you. 

Don't knock yourself down, that takes your power away and your energy to do good things for others. Keep dreaming, listening and reaching your higher-self. You are one amazing person. Let it shine!

Have a Love yourself day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card


This card says that romance is calling you. Your Angels want you to take time today and tell your loved one how much they mean to you. If you just met someone that made your heart sing, but wasn't sure you should pursue them, this card tells you yes. Romance is in the air.

If you are looking for more romance in your life then take charge and make it happen. Romance can also be doing something special for yourself like getting a massage, shopping or seeing a romantic movie.

So think of romance today and give that special someone a big kiss, a big hug or just say, "I Love You"!

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light 

~ Joni Joy xo :)

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Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

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