Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.

You were blessed with 2 Angel cards today. Enjoy!


God & your Angels want you to work on balance in your life today. Are you racing around and not enjoying the day? This card says to slow down and balance all areas of your life. 

When you are running around trying to get all the things done in a day your energy drops, when your energy drops it makes you feel as though you can't get all your responsibilities done. That makes you feel unproductive. Your Angels want you to have balance so you can have a little fun in the day. Take time for a walk, some meditation, or anything that makes you smile and slow down. If you are feeling there is too much on your plate, then ask God and your Angels to help you.

Balance is the key to a happy life. When you take time for yourself, even 5 minutes a day and just sit in quite, it helps bring you back to center. You will enjoy all areas of your life again and that makes everyone around you happy. 

Have a balance day!

Love & Light


God & your Angels want you to know that inner peace and tranquility are coming into your life. Peace of mind makes you feel secure and taken care of. Even when we have challenges and you can't possible think that it can be resolved, that is when the trust in God and your Angels are working over time to make a miracle happen.

You can feel peace inside even when you are going through a tough time. You don't have to wait until everything is okay to trust your Angels and have  inner peace. When you start to feel serenity, that is when the challenges in your life start to lighten up. 

Have a day filled with Serenity

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Stay Positive

This card wants you to stay positive about your love life. When you are negative that only brings more to you. Your Angels want you to stay happy and watch how the universe bring you the joy in your life that you want. The love that you desire wants to come to you, but only if your positive and hopeful.

Whether you are in are in a relationship or not, staying positive brings events to you that could benefit you in your love life. Doing things like a journal, meditating or talking with a friend about your hopes and dreams keeps your intentions positive.  

Have a positive day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

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Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

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