Friday, October 31, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Happy Halloweeny! :)

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.


Your Angels want to to know how important it is to have harmony in your life right now. You have had some troubles lately and they have been resolved. Your Angels want you to have peace, faith, & trust in them. Graciously acknowledge there help & guidance. You deserve this.

 The Angels guides want you to look though their eyes and see all the beauty that is out there. See that all problems can be and will be healed, just trust in them. Don't hold on to anything that is weighing you down. Harmony in life, is a gift.

Use your inner Angel to shift your viewpoints. When you do this, magical things start to happen. Looking at things differently through your Angel eyes make your struggles go away and show you just how beautiful family, friends, & life can be.

Have a blessed day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Family Love

Your Angels want you to release any anger you have toward any one in your family. When you are upset you are not using your God given talents. God wants you to look at the situation through their eyes, then maybe you would understand better. 

Love comes to you only when you have a heart filled with love. Anger only brings non-suitable partners and your Angels want to see you happy. When you forgive and release, you let all the bad energy disappear. Remember you are not saying what they did was okay, you are just giving yourself some peace.

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.


God & your angels want you to go outside today and enjoy the beauty of the flowers, the trees, the sky & the ground. Spending even a little time outside, sticking your feet in the ground or touching a tree, can be very grounding & healing for you right now.

Try to go out into Nature every day for at least 10 minutes a day. Going outside is very stress relieving. Helps lower your blood pressure and think more clearly. When you feel like the world is spinning out of control, going outside in nature for a walk can be very uplifting.

Your angels want you to use this time outside to decompress, clear your head and let the day dreams flow. Enjoy just letting go and releasing anything that is holding you down. Think about your special gifts you have to offer the world. Everyone of us has special gifts to share. So enjoy this beautiful world that God has given us!

Have a magical day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

I am Lovable

This card is telling you that you are a lovable person who deserves to be in love. Your Angels are so excited for you. The love you ask for is on it's way. Everyone in your life should be treating you with love and respect.

Don't blame yourself for any past situations, they were all learning lessons and now you can move on. Just keep saying how much you deserve to be loved. The more you say you deserve love the more it will attract to you in all relationships and circumstances.

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

Want your own personal Angel reading? Go to my "Contact Me" page. Also sign up with your email to get your daily Angel card for FREE. Thanks for stopping by. :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.


A true friend is one that is there for you through the good times and the bad. Your Angels want you to celebrate your friendships and enjoy the healing benefits of a true friend. Allot of changes are occurring in your friendships so be honest with yourself and them. Speak your truth. 

Your Angels want you to know that changes in friendships are a natural thing that everyone goes through. Release your friendships to God & your Angels and know that they will watch over them with love. As your life changes on the inside, it also changes on the outside as well. Don't worry about friends that you haven't seen or talked to in a while. They too have changes going on with them. God is watching over all your relationships. You are ready for new friendships with people who have the same interest as you. All friends can teach us things, so welcome them in.

Happy Friendship Day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Take Control Back

This card reminds you that you need to take your control back. You Let a situation or a person take it. Do you feel trapped, smothered, or stressed? As you listen to your inner voice you will know what area of your life this pertains too. Relationship, Work or friendship.

God & your Angels want you to know that it is okay to take the control back and just say no to things and people who don't feel right or make you feel stressed. When you do this you will feel the weight lifted off your shoulders and a feeling of relief will consume you. You are a loving person who needs to shine and let the love in.

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

To get a personal Angel reading go to my "Contact me" page. To get your daily Angel Card, please sign up with your email it's free. If you liked this blog please leave a comment on the review page.

Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Your Angel card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.

Meditation & Listening

God & your Angels want you to know how important meditation is right now. When we take the time to be quiet and still you can hear the angels.

This is a time where you can communicate with your Angels and hear the messages they want you to know. Take 5 minutes in the morning before your feet hit the floor and talk to them. Listen patiently to the words & feelings that your Angels are sending to you.

Relax and take 3 to 4 deep breaths. Don't chase to hear the answers, just keep breathing. Tell yourself that you are a radiant being and all answers come to you easily. The more you practice this, the easier it is to relax your mind and hear the messages that your Angels have for you.

Have a blessed day!

Love & Light

Your Angel of Love card for the day is...

Promises & Rings

Congratulations! This card is telling you that wedding bells are on the horizon for you. Even if you are not in a relationship right now,your Angels want you to know that they see romance coming your way.

This card shows you that you have let down the walls that have held you back, and that you are letting go of worries and fears, so you can love again, because you will! Marriage is in the future for you. A deep romance where you feel cherished and loved is coming to you.

Take time now to care for yourself and don't accept bad behavior from anyone. Commit to yourself that you deserve to be in love and the universe will deliver.

Have a Love filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

If you would like a personal Angel reading please go to "Contact Me" page. Sign up with your email and get a daily Angel card. Thanks for stopping by! :)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say or ask a question, then read the card.


God & your Angels want you to let go of any anger or troubling situations that don't serve your higher purpose. Just because you choose to forgive a person doesn't mean you forget what they did. It just means that you will no longer carry the pain & bad energy with you. Then you do this, it gives you a chance to heal and have peace in your heart.

You are a wonderful caring person of God who doesn't need to be dragged down by others. Holding on to anger only makes you feel sick and weighted down. Forgiving never says that it is okay to treat me that way, it just lets the peace wash over you. If you want to feel healed, then you must let go of anger. So go ask your wonderful Angels to come and help with the healing and releasing. You are so worth it!

Have a blessed day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Love who you are

This card is telling you that your Angels want you to love yourself before you bring anyone else in. Only when you are happy with yourself does your radiance shine and the love comes to you. The more you love who you are, the more you receive love back.

Spend some time with yourself. Look back on your past, but don't wallow in it. Your past is what made you who you are today. Look for the blessings and lessons you have learned. You are a stronger more independent person then before. So let go of the past and move forward to the love you so deserve.

Whether you are single or in a relationship, you must love yourself first to have that healthy connection. Loving who you are will bring you many loves and everyone of them is a stepping stone to a better one. 
Live, Learn, Love!

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

*To get your own personal Angel reading go to my "Contact Me" page.
*Sign up with your email to get a daily Angel card for free.
*If you like this blog please go to my "Reviews" page & leave a     comment.

Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.


Your Angels want you to know that there is allot of support coming your way right now. Release any fears or anxiety so you can enjoy the abundance that is on it's way.

The source of your abundance is God. He knows that you have faith in him and know that he will take care of you. Keep manifesting and believing that God will provide. Keep the faith. The support that you need in all areas of your life are on it's way. Say daily affirmations to keep you positive. Your Angels want you to enjoy this abundance, you deserve it.

Have an abundant day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...


This card says that romance is calling you. Your Angels want you to take time today and tell your loved one how much they mean to you. If you just met someone that made your heart sing, but wasn't sure you should pursue them, this card tells you yes. Romance is in the air.

If you are looking for more romance in your life then take charge and make it happen. Romance can also be doing something special for yourself like getting a massage, shopping or seeing a romantic movie.

So think of romance today and give that special someone a big kiss, a big hug or just say, "I Love You"!

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light 

~ Joni Joy xo :)

To get your personal angel card reading go to my "Contact Me" page. 
Sign up with your email & get a daily angel card for FREE!
Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.

Your thoughts

Your Angels want you to guard your thoughts. Having clarity on what you do want and not what you don't want helps keep your thoughts protected. Like Law of Attraction you are what you think about most of the time. Try to keep them on what is important to you.

Ask God & your Angels for help on keeping your thoughts on positive things. It is hard sometimes to keep them positive when you are going through a tough time, but that is when you need your Angels the most. So stop a couple times in the day and ask them for support. It is good for you and your soul to sit in quite for at least 10 minutes a day. God is always in your thoughts and you do have the ability to change things.

Have affirmations with you always, they help you stay on positive thoughts and make you feel better. Remember your Angels only ask that you talk to them more. They are here for you, you can never burden them.

Have a blessed day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Peace & Quiet

This card signifies that you and your loved one need to spend some quality time together. Get away from phones, computers and people. It is important to spend time together with no distractions. Use this time to re-connect, go on a date and fall in love again. If you are single, this means you need to spend some time by yourself meditating and using your intuitive powers to strengthen your energy to attract your loving partner.

Your Angels want you to know that when you spend time with the people you love without any distractions it gives you a chance to talk, listen and possibly heal any problems you may have. So take a vacation, go for a walk, have a date night, or spend a quite afternoon together. 

Spending time with your loved one brings back all the reasons why you feel in love. 

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

To get a personal Angel reading please go to my "Contact Me" page.
Sign up with your email and get a daily Angel card.
Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question then read the card

Your Power

By getting this card your Angels want you to know that they are proud of you for standing in your own power. Being powerful is safe for you and expressing your power with love makes you even stronger.

God is inside of you and you have all the power of Divine love, wisdom, and intelligence. Your spiritual power can see Angels, the future, and can tap into the universal wisdom of one mind. You can empathize with others and your physical power is truly unlimited.

Your Angels want you to give all your fears that you may have connected with being so powerful to them. Divine love is stemming from you. Your true power is quiet and beautiful. Allow your power to shine and radiate out into the world in miraculous ways. You are amazing!

Have a powerful day!

Love & Light 

  See below for your Angel of Love card...


This card is letting you know how important it is to have Chemistry & Attraction in your love life. The one that you are with right now is missing these key ingredients to have a strong healthy love.

Your Angels want you to know that when true love is present, there is no need to chase after one another. It is an easy love. If you are chasing someone right now, maybe you need to let go. You may feel like you both have the chemistry to make it work out, but you also sense there is something missing. 

Always use your God given intuition to guide you and notice when things don't seem quite right. Love is a very powerful energy. Make sure that when you are making decisions that you check in with yourself and make sure these are from your heart and not from the past. You deserve to be in a relationship that is equal in chemistry & attraction. So take your time and be selective. God only wants the best for you!

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

To get your personal Angel card reading go to my "Contact Me" page.
Sign up with your email and get a daily angel card for free!
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Thanks so much for stopping by! :) 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question then read the card

The New You

This card reminds you that the new you needs to spend some time alone. Nature is a great way to spend time alone. It also helps with getting you grounded. When you clear your mind, you open up yourself to listen to your Angels. Meditation is a great way too. Spending time alone lets you reflect on all the important things in life.

After spending some time alone you will emerge a new person with infinite possibilities. Use this to help and inspire others. You are an awesome gift from God and expressing that is what God loves. So the new you needs to express yourself to others more often. Tell them how you feel. Doing this will bring you inner peace!

Have a new day being you!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Your Big Day

This card is telling you that you are going to a wedding. Whether it's yours or someone else's. This card also tells you that you will get married and asks that you have faith and trust. Know that the future brings you what you are looking for. Stay positive!

You could also meet your next partner at a wedding. Your Angels want you to realize that all things are possible if you ask and believe. Every place you go is a place to meet the love of your life. Reflect on the positive people you know that have a great marriage and strive to find that in your own life. Your day is coming!

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

If you would like your own personal Angel reading, please go to my "Contact Me" page. Also sign up on this blog with your email to receive your daily Angel card for free.  Thanks so much for stopping by. :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.

Archangel Michael

Your Angels want you to know that they sent down the most powerful archangel to give you strength and confidence to release all your fears.

Archangel Michael is letting you know that he is here for you. He is a true sign of courage and wisdom and always by your side. He lets you know that God's love is the only love there is. Don't be scared of change and challenges in your life, you are safe and secure. All the angels want you to stay true to yourself.

Speak from your heart and often with Micheal. Give him all your worries, fears and concerns. You will never over burden him, he can listen to everyone and help all.

Have a blessed day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...


This card is here to answer yes to your question. Trust what the Angels are sending to you now and that everything is where it should be. Don't add in any fear because that only creates drama and negativity. Stay positive and turn over to your Angels any fears or worries you may have.

You have blessings and personal growth in your current situation which is leading you to the romantic love you so desire and deserve. Keep on your path and trust that your Angels are watching over you. Keep the faith and all things are possible.

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

To get a personal Angel card reading go to my contact me page.
Sign up with your email and get a Angel Card daily for free.
Like this blog, please let us know under the review page.

Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to ask a question or say a prayer, then read the card.

Divine Guidance

God & your Angels are speaking to you now. Trust your intuition now and follow what it says. Intuition is your gut telling you things, don't ever brush it off as nothing. It is there to protect and guide you.

Your Angels are guiding you now. It is very important to listen to them.  They are guiding you with your feelings, visions, and inner voice and they have something very important for you. So trust and follow this guidance.

Pay close attention to everything around you today. There are never any coincidences, everything is a symbol to help you with your intuition and help guide you. You are a blessed being and deserve all the magical things the world has to offer.

Have a blessed day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Be Playful

Your Angels want you to embody the youthfulness of young children. They laugh, play and use there imagination. They are young at heart. You need to fall in love with life again. Your Angels have so much joy and they want you to enjoy yourself again.

If you ask yourself, when is the last time you had fun? and you can't remember, that means it is long overdue. Go play and enjoy being silly because fun is a necessity, not a luxury! There are many activities that you can do for free. It is worth the investment of your time. It helps with moods and energy.

Having fun in a relationship is essential to keeping the spark alive. Plan date nights, bike riding, walks in the park, or just spending time together laughing. This opens up your heart and lets the love flow.

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

If you would like a personal Angel reading, please go to my "Contact Me" page. Also sign up with your email to get your daily Angel card for free.

 Thanks so much for stopping by! :)