Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question then read the card.


This card tells you that a situation you worried about is being healed. Because of the faith and trust that you have in God and your Angels, your problem is being taken care of.

As long as you release all your fears & worries about a challenge to your Angels, you will always be healed. Only when we release completely do you let the healing in. Use affirmations to keep you on the positive side. We all have the ability to heal ourselves if we just trust.

Don't look at a problem and say what did I do wrong, instead say what lesson should I be getting out of this and then release it. Thank God & your Angels for the healing. Your problem has been healed!

Have a blessed day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Family Love

Your Angels want you to release any anger you have toward any one in your family. When you are upset you are not using your God given talents. God wants you to look at the situation through their eyes, then maybe you would understand better. 

Love comes to you only when you have a heart filled with love. Anger only brings non-suitable partners and your Angels want to see you happy. When you forgive and release, you let all the bad energy disappear. Remember you are not saying what they did was okay, you are just giving yourself some peace.

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

To get your own angel reading please go to my "Contact Me" page.
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say or ask a question, then read the card.


God & your Angels want you to let go of any anger or troubling situations that don't serve your higher purpose. Just because you choose to forgive a person doesn't mean you forget what they did. It just means that you will no longer carry the pain & bad energy with you. Then you do this, it gives you a chance to heal and have peace in your heart.

You are a wonderful caring person of God who doesn't need to be dragged down by others. Holding on to anger only makes you feel sick and weighted down. Forgiving never says that it is okay to treat me that way, it just lets the peace wash over you. If you want to feel healed, then you must let go of anger. So go ask your wonderful Angels to come and help with the healing and releasing. You are so worth it!

Have a blessed day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Show your Love

Show someone today how much they mean to you. Love is a magical thing that can heal any broken heart. Love is what makes the world go round.
This card is telling you to take control of your love life. Call up that someone special and ask them out. Maybe send flowers or a special note to show you are interested.

When you express your Love, you become a Love magnet. It shows all over your face & body. Your energy sores which brings even more Love to you. This is the time to accept Love so you can receive it from everyone including God & your Angels who only want you to be happy and enjoy all that life has to bring. 

If you are already in a relationship, then take time today to tell them how much you love and respect them. The world wouldn't be the same with out you. We all need love to feel safe & secure.

Have a Love filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

If you would like a personal Angel reading then please go to my "Contact Me" page. Sign up with your email and get a daily Angel card sent to you. Thanks for stopping by! :)

Monday, April 28, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.


God & your Angels want you to work on balance in your life today. Are you racing around and not enjoying the day? This card says to slow down and balance all areas of your life. 

When you are running around trying to get all the things done in a day your energy drops, when your energy drops it makes you feel as though you can't get all your responsibilities done. That makes you feel unproductive. Your Angels want you to have balance so you can have a little fun in the day. Take time for a walk, some meditation, or anything that makes you smile and slow down. If you are feeling there is too much on your plate, then ask God and your Angels to help you.

Balance is the key to a happy life. When you take time for yourself, even 5 minutes a day and just sit in quite, it helps bring you back to center. You will enjoy all areas of your life again and that makes everyone around you happy. 

Have a balance day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Stay Positive

This card wants you to stay positive about your love life. When you are negative that only brings more to you. Your Angels want you to stay happy and watch how the universe bring you the joy in your life that you want. The love that you desire wants to come to you, but only if your positive and hopeful.

Whether you are in are in a relationship or not, staying positive brings events to you that could benefit you in your love life. Doing things like a journal, meditating or talking with a friend about your hopes and dreams keeps your intentions positive.  

Have a positive day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

Want an Angel reading? Go to my "Contact me" page.
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Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question then read the card.

Take Care Of Yourself

This card urges you to pay close attention to your physical body. Your Angels want you to eat healthy, exercise, and stay away from unhealthy foods. Your body is a temple and should be treated like one.

Your Angels know that if you take care of yourself then you will increase your energy and feel terrific. Your Angels will help you find time to do the things to keep your body a well tuned instrument. They will also help with food cravings and anything that is unhealthy to you and your body. Afterwards you will enjoy the pleasures of a purified and maintained body.

Have a healthy day!

Love & Light

See below for your daily Angel of Love card...

Let Others Help You

Your Angels want you to know that it is okay to ask others for help. Your Angels will work through other people. So be willing to ask for guidance when it comes to your love life. Tell them about all your hopes, dreams, and how you are feeling, then let them help.

So spend time with your friends and let them help you with advice or support, they may even know a great acquaintance for you. If your in a relationship it is still very important to have time with your friends, it gives you renewed energy.

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

To get a personal Angel reading go to my contact page.
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Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.


Your Angels want to to know how important it is to have harmony in your life right now. You have had some troubles lately and they have been resolved. Your Angels want you to have peace, faith, & trust in them. Graciously acknowledge there help & guidance. You deserve this.

 The Angels guides want you to look though their eyes and see all the beauty that is out there. See that all problems can be and will be healed, just trust in them. Don't hold on to anything that is weighing you down. Harmony in life, is a gift.

Use your inner Angel to shift your viewpoints. When you do this, magical things start to happen. Looking at things differently through your Angel eyes make your struggles go away and show you just how beautiful family, friends, & life can be.

Have a blessed day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Family Love

Your Angels want you to release any anger you have toward any one in your family. When you are upset you are not using your God given talents. God wants you to look at the situation through their eyes, then maybe you would understand better. 

Love comes to you only when you have a heart filled with love. Anger only brings non-suitable partners and your Angels want to see you happy. When you forgive and release, you let all the bad energy disappear. Remember you are not saying what they did was okay, you are just giving yourself some peace.

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

To get your own angel reading please go to my "Contact Me" page.
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Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Friday, April 25, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.


This card wants you to know that new love is entering your world right now. Whether you are looking for a new love or want to rekindled love in your current relationship. This also represents love with friends and family. This is the time to heal and bring the love back.

Your Angels want you to open your heart and let God infuse your heart with love. There are new people coming into your life everyday, one may be the new romance you are looking for or a reminder of the great love you already have. Either way don't cling to old habits and beliefs, this is a time to start new and start over. Trust that God & your Angels will work everything out to your highest good.

Changes in your love life are only hard when you don't open up to a new thought or behavior. Compromise, listen, and put balance back in your life. When you let love flow through your life all old beliefs are washed away and replaced with magical ones. You then let the new love come forward.  Love everyone!

Have a love filled day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card.

Your Angel of Love card for the day is...


This card wants you to release all the old energies that you might be holding on to. Whether it is an old boyfriend/girlfriend or marriage, release it now. Once you let go of any old emotions or beliefs, that is when new love can enter.

Once you release the past and let go of anything that is not of your higher purpose, wonderful things start to happen. The love you are seeking comes forward and you start to attract many more. When you hold on to old emotions, you can't more forward. Others can since that you are still holding on and turn away.

Let your love angels take your burdens away. Call upon them anytime you need help letting go. It's time to be free!

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

If you would like a personal Angel reading please go to my "Contact Me" page. Please sign up with your email to get your daily Angel card.
Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.


A true friend is one that is there for you through the good times and the bad. Your Angels want you to celebrate your friendships and enjoy the healing benefits of a true friend. Allot of changes are occurring in your friendships so be honest with yourself and them. Speak your truth. 

Your Angels want you to know that changes in friendships are a natural thing that everyone goes through. Release your friendships to God & your Angels and know that they will watch over them with love. As your life changes on the inside, it also changes on the outside as well. Don't worry about friends that you haven't seen or talked to in a while. They too have changes going on with them. God is watching over all your relationships. You are ready for new friendships with people who have the same interest as you. All friends can teach us things, so welcome them in.

Happy Friendship Day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Take Control Back

This card reminds you that you need to take your control back. You Let a situation or a person take it. Do you feel trapped, smothered, or stressed? As you listen to your inner voice you will know what area of your life this pertains too. Relationship, Work or friendship.

God & your Angels want you to know that it is okay to take the control back and just say no to things and people who don't feel right or make you feel stressed. When you do this you will feel the weight lifted off your shoulders and a feeling of relief will consume you. You are a loving person who needs to shine and let the love in.

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

Want to talk to your Angels? Contact me for a personal reading.
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Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Happy Birthday to my sweet niece Jessica Marie. We love you!

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question then read the card.


Your Angels want you to involve yourself in wonderful music. Music always makes you feel good and lifts your spirits. Music also has healing powers.

This card signifies you that you need to bring more music into your life. Maybe sing, write a song, perform a song, join a singing group or play a musical instrument. Music is such a beautiful sound and when you sing,  it brings your vibration up and divine love can come though. 

If you have these urges to sing, it is your Angels nudging you to follow your God given talents. They know your musical talents will help others. Sing or whistle through out your day, you'll be glad you did.

Have a music filled day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

I am Lovable

This card is telling you that you are a lovable person who deserves to be in love. Your Angels are so excited for you. The love you ask for is on it's way. Everyone in your life should be treating you with love and respect.

Don't blame yourself for any past situations, they were all learning lessons and now you can move on. Just keep saying how much you deserve to be loved. The more you say you deserve love the more it will attract to you in all relationships and circumstances.

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

If you would like a personal Angel reading please go to my "Contact Me" page.
Sign up with your email and get a daily Angel card for free.
Go to the review page and leave a comment about the blog or see what others are saying.

Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question then read the card.

Be Free

This card reminds you that you are free to express yourself. Your Angels are guiding you now. If you feel trapped by life right now, remember you are the only jail keeper in your life. When you realize that you have the power to be free, then freedom follows. You choose everything in your life, it's called free will. The best part is that you can choose again.

God & your Angels ask that you remember you have all the power in your own life. Don't ever give that away to anyone. You are much to special to give it away. Speak the truth and be free!

Have a Free day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love Card...

Take Action

This card tells you that great love is worth taking action. Don't be afraid to express how you feel. Your Angels have heard your prayers and have opened doors for you, now it's your turn to walk through them. Use your intuition to guide you. If you feel a nudge to go some where or call someone do it. Spiritual help will always come from your Angel when you ask.

Ask your Angels for the courage, motivation, and energy to take the steps you need to take. Each one will get you closer to the great love you are looking for. Never give up!

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~Joni Joy xo :)

To get a personal Angel reading go to my contact page.
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Monday, April 21, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question then read the card.


This card wants you to know that your Angels are throwing signs at you. Do you see them? They can be animals, birds or butterflies crossing your path. A certain song repeated in your head or an object in your path. They want you to notice them. When you ask for there help they deliver. 

Your Angels want you to pay close attention to the signs. By getting this card today, it is a sign from your Angels. They are asking you to trust and know they are there.

Being in nature you seem to notice more. Go for a walk and talk with your Angels. They love when you do that, talk with them as they are your best friend. Pay attention to the thoughts coming in to your head, that's your Angels communicating with you. Enjoy the conversation. *

Have a colorful day!

Love & Light

* When you see anything in your life that is repeatedly coming up, then Google what the symbolic meaning is. Whether it is animals, numbers or songs. There is a message in there for you from your Angels. :)

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Bliss on vacation

This card is encouraging you to take a vacation with your love. You need to spend some quality time together. If you're in a relationship this means you need to get the spark going again. If your single this could mean that you will meet someone while on vacation. Your Love could be yourself. 

Take this time to be together. Life is always hurrying us by and we forget that our partner needs love and attention from us. You have the chemistry there you just need to ignite it and a vacation is a great way to do that. Even if it is a mini vacation. Some may have kids and that does make things a little more difficult, so take even 5 minutes and tell them they mean the world to you!

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

To get your personal Angel reading go to my "Contact Me" page.
Sign up with your email and get a free Angel card daily.
If you like this blog please go to my review page and leave a comment.

Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Happy Easter to you & your family!

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.


God & your angels want you to go outside today and enjoy the beauty of the flowers, the trees, the sky & the ground. Spending even a little time outside, sticking your feet in the ground or touching a tree, can be very grounding & healing for you right now.

Try to go out into Nature every day for at least 10 minutes a day. Going outside is very stress relieving. Helps lower your blood pressure and think more clearly. When you feel like the world is spinning out of control, going outside in nature for a walk can be very uplifting.

Your angels want you to use this time outside to decompress, clear your head and let the day dreams flow. Enjoy just letting go and releasing anything that is holding you down. Think about your special gifts you have to offer the world. Everyone of us has special gifts to share. So enjoy this beautiful world that God has given us!

Have a magical day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

I am Lovable

This card is telling you that you are a lovable person who deserves to be in love. Your Angels are so excited for you. The love you ask for is on it's way. Everyone in your life should be treating you with love and respect.

Don't blame yourself for any past situations, they were all learning lessons and now you can move on. Just keep saying how much you deserve to be loved. The more you say you deserve love the more it will attract to you in all relationships and circumstances.

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

Want your own personal Angel reading? Go to my "Contact Me" page. Also sign up with your email to get your daily Angel card for FREE. Thanks for stopping by. :)