Monday, March 17, 2014

Your Angel card for the day is...

Happy St.Patrick's Day

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.


What are your intentions? This card is asking what do you want to create so you can have the best experiences today. True intentions are reflections of your thoughts and feelings. Take a look at your expectations and what do you want to happen today, tomorrow, and for your future.

Intentions are your goals that you have set and plan to achieve. Choose your intentions with love. See yourself & others happy, peaceful, and successful. When you keep love in your thoughts and actions you help yourself & others achieve your goals. If you are feeling negative just ask your Angels for guidance & support they are there to help and they want to. 

Intend to have a great day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card...

Be lighthearted

Your Angels want you to smile more, make eye contact or say hello to a stranger. Flirting is another fun way to be playful and lighthearted. If your in a relationship flirting can revive a passion. If your single being lighthearted can attract new friendships or even a love friendship.

This card is just reminding you that most people will talk to people who are friendly and having fun. Connect with people by saying "Hello". Every person you meet could be a possible friendship. In most love relationships the couple was introduced by a friend. So meeting people can bring enjoyment to your life and a possible new partner. 

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

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Thanks so much for stopping by! 

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