Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.


This card wants you to know that new love is entering your world right now. Whether you are looking for a new love or want to rekindled love in your current relationship. This also represents love with friends and family. This is the time to heal and bring the love back.

Your Angels want you to open your heart and let God infuse your heart with love. There are new people coming into your life everyday, one may be the new romance you are looking for or a reminder of the great love you already have. Either way don't cling to old habits and beliefs, this is a time to start new and start over. Trust that God & your Angels will work everything out to your highest good.

Changes in your love life are only hard when you don't open up to a new thought or behavior. Compromise, listen, and put balance back in your life. When you let love flow through your life all old beliefs are washed away and replaced with magical ones. You then let the new love come forward.  Love everyone!

Have a love filled day!

Love & Light

See below for your Angel of Love card.

Your Angel of Love card for the day is...


This card wants you to release all the old energies that you might be holding on to. Whether it is an old boyfriend/girlfriend or marriage, release it now. Once you let go of any old emotions or beliefs, that is when new love can enter.

Once you release the past and let go of anything that is not of your higher purpose, wonderful things start to happen. The love you are seeking comes forward and you start to attract many more. When you hold on to old emotions, you can't more forward. Others can since that you are still holding on and turn away.

Let your love angels take your burdens away. Call upon them anytime you need help letting go. It's time to be free!

Have a heart filled day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

If you would like a personal Angel reading please go to my "Contact Me" page. Please sign up with your email to get your daily Angel card.
Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

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