Friday, October 18, 2013

Your Angel Card for the day...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question and then read the card.


God & your Angels are helping you right now. Your Angels want you to keep asking them for help & guidance and acknowledge it when it comes.

Your angels want you to know that they are around you right now. They are sending extra blessings to you. You may sometimes feel they have left you when you are going through challenges, but they want to remind you that they are here giving you more love & light. Extra angels are around you now, supporting and helping you. 

Your Angels can never leave you. Your Angels want you to keep asking and accepting there help. Turn all your fears & worries over to them. They want to remove them and uplift you to your higher-self with love.  Trust that they will always hold your hand and be there for you. You are very blessed right now. God and your angels are watching over you, and know you are loved more then you could imagine.

Have a blessed day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

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