Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Your Angel Card for the day is...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.

Freedom to Believe

Your Angels want you to know that all things are possible if you believe. Free yourself of bad feelings and only come from a place of Love. When life's problems make you feel captive, remember you are the only one that can change your thoughts. You have all the power, when you step in and take your power back, freedom follows.

Because we are of free will, we choose our lives, but that doesn't mean it defines us, it gives us a chance to choose again. Your angels want you to ask them for help & guidance. When times are hard, that is when you need them the most. Archangel Michael always says he has time for all who seek him. Listen to what he tells you and apply it to your life.

Spiritual grow is coming to us all. As we grow, we have allot of questions. Your feelings may be a mixture of things right now, But know that God & your angels welcome you to keep asking the questions and wanting to learn, but also remember to take time to listen. Surrender all your fears and believe in your freedom!

Have an believable day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

To get your own personal Angel reading please go to my "Contact Me" page. Sign up with your email and get a daily Angel card. Thanks for stopping by! :)

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