Sunday, October 20, 2013

Your Angel Card for the day...

Remember to say a prayer or ask a question, then read the card.

We are blessed with 2 cards today, enjoy!

Let Go & Let God

When you learn to let God and his Angels help you, the worries and anxiety's you have will be relieved and replaced with something even better. Just Have faith and believe God will take care of you.

When we hold on to anxiety and problems in our life, such as finances, health, home, career & relationships we cannot heal. You need to let go and release to God. If you hold on to such worries it will only makes things worse.

Be willing to ask God & his angels to free you of any situations that are not of your higher-self. Let go of control and wonderful things will be sent to you from heaven. Divine intervention will help you to release and faith will bring you peace.

Speak your Truth

God & your Angels want you to speak your truth in all actions and situations today. Being honest and truthful doesn't mean you have to be hurtful, you need to be genuine & compassionate. Speak from your heart.  

When you are true with yourself and speak only the truth, miraculous things start to happen. Let go of anything that is not of your higher-self. If things in your life are not going your way, release it to God & your Angels. Know they will heal it or replace it with something better. When you let go of problems, you then let the light of God come in, then just stand back and watch the miracles start happening. Believe you have the power to move mountains in your life and you will!

Have a blessed day!

Love & Light

~ Joni Joy xo :)

If you would like your own personal Angel reading, go to my "Contact Me" page. To get your daily Angel Card, please sign up with your email. Thank you for stopping by. :)

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